Speech and Language Pathologist
The speech-language pathology department boasts a team of ASHA certified therapists who are able to offer standardized and dynamic evaluations, develop treatment plans that align with the unique needs of children and families, and implement a range of evidence-based practices. SLPs at LEEP Forward provide therapies that focus on:
The building blocks of language—regulation, joint attention, engagement, reciprocal communication, and shared meaning.
Language Comprehension & Production
Cognition and Play
Literacy (reading and writing)
AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)
Feeding and Swallowing concerns (including “picky eating”)
Social Language & Cognition
Voice and Fluency disorders
Articulation and Phonological Disorders
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Executive Function challenges
At the core of the speech language pathology department is the DIR® Floortime model, guiding the way our therapists promote relating, thinking, and communicating in young children. Our therapists also rely heavily on the guiding principles of Developmental Language Models. These theoretical frameworks represent some of the most developed and highly-researched thoughts on the acquisition of communication and language. All of our therapists receive training in these areas.
Additionally, our therapists are trained in various other approaches including: PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Motor Phonetic Targets), LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning), SOS approach to feeding, food chaining, Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking Curriculum, Interactive Metronome, Meaning-based Literacy Instruction, and Advanced levels of DIR training.