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You are Listening in on LEEP Forward Pediatric Development Clinic and Therapeutic preschool and transitional kindergarten team of experts talking about topics parents and teachers care about.  LEEP Forward has experts in the fields of Occupational Therapy, Speech and Launguage Pathology, Social Work, Developmental Therapy and Early Intervention. 


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If you have questions or would like to speak with the experts on this podcast about your child please contact us below. 


Episode 9- Toilet Learning

In today's Episode we focus on Toilet Learning with LEEP Forward's Clinical Director, Occupational Therapist, Michaja Johnson, and Senior Occupational Therapist, Tish Graf. Michaja and Tish are co-creators of the potty protocol, a toilet learning methodology that focus on child readiness and a sensory approach to traditional potty training methods.

Episode 8- DIR Floortime Model Series Ep 2

Today's Episode continues the conversation about The DIR FloorTIME Model featuring LEEP Forward's Senior Speech-Language Pathologist Tyler Choate.

To connect with the profectum parent tool box as mentioned in the podcast visit .

Episode 7- DIR Floortime Model  Series Ep 1

Today's Episode starts the conversation about The DIR FloorTIME Model featuring LEEP Forward's Director of Speech-Language Pathology Tyler Choate.

To connect with the profectum parent tool box as mentioned in the podcast visit .

Episode 4- Sensory Processing

Today's Episode starts the conversation about Sensory Processing featuring LEEP Forward's Director of Occupational Therapy Michaja Prendergast.

Episode 3- Emotional Processing

Today's Episode leans into the topic of emotional processing in the beginning of our series on meltdowns & aggression. Listen in on LEEP Forward's Director of Mental Health Hannah Newman and Director of Occupational Therapy Michaja Johnson, dive into this multifaceted topic.

Episode 6 - Visual System- Sensory Processing

Today's Episode continues the conversation about Sensory-Integration focusing on the Visual System Programs featuring LEEP Forward's Director of Occupational Therapy Michaja Prendergast.

Episode 5- IEP Process

Today's Episode starts the conversation about Indivisalized Education Programs (IEP) featuring LEEP Forward's Program Director & Developmental Therapist Dana Hutchins.

Episode 2- Literacy

Today's Episode starts the conversation about literacy featuring LEEP Forward's Director of Speech-Language Comprehension Tyler Choate and Developmental Therapist, Amanda DeAngeles.

Episode 1- Language Comprehension

Today’s Topic is Language Comprehension with Director of Staff Development and Speech and Language Pathologist Tyler Choate and Speech and Language Pathologist Abbie Gray.

1447 W. Montrose

Chicago, IL. 60613

Tel: 312-624-8750

Fax: 312-929-3063

© by LEEP Forward Inc.


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